Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to get rid of black spots under eyes?

I'm 16, don't smoke, don't drink coffe or tea at all, sleep 10-12 hours per day and still can't get rid of the black spots under my eyes.........okay actually they're dark violet.....

What to do?cucumbers don't work.....I tried a cream skin lighting cream from the Body Shop.....nothing of this worked so far.......I have spots under my eyes not cause I'm tired...there must be an other reason....but what? and what to do with my eyes?How to get rid of black spots under eyes?
Almost everyone gets dark circles under their eyes from time to time. Dark circles under eyes usually are temporary and not a medical concern.

You may be surprised to learn that fatigue usually isn't the cause of dark circles. Instead, the most common cause is nasal congestion. When your nose is congested, veins that usually drain from your eyes into your nose become widened (dilated) and darker.

Another cause of undereye circles is eyelid swelling during sleep. When you lie down, gravity can cause fluid to collect in your lower eyelids. This swelling may create the appearance of shadows below your eyes. In addition, dark circles can result from chronic skin conditions, such as atopic eczema. Dark circles can also run in families.

Over-the-counter products may help diminish dark circles under eyes. Look for skin creams that contain vitamin C or K, alpha hydroxy acid and kinetin. Treatment for chronic and severe undereye circles is directed at the underlying cause, if known, and may include bleaching agents and laser therapy.How to get rid of black spots under eyes?
Drink water. Simple %26amp;easy!! Works for me. I recommend it

Take your vitamins.I've heard that if you don't take them that can happen,multivitamin with multiminerals is best.

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