Monday, April 26, 2010

My friend is male and wants to wear foundation to cover up any spots?

does this seem weird?My friend is male and wants to wear foundation to cover up any spots?
No. The point of foundation is to even out the skin tone. There is nothing weird of girly about wanting to hide blemishes.

All of the celebrities that girls drool over do it (from Zac Efron to Johnny Depp).

If he does it properly, no one would be able to tell he is wearing foundation so it's not that big of a deal.My friend is male and wants to wear foundation to cover up any spots?
He wants his skin to look nice. I see nothing wrong with that. This whole ';makeup is just for girls'; is old school thinking and needs to stop!

he cares about how he looks,

just like qirls do.

if thats how he wants to cover his spots,

then let him be. (:
it doesnt seem weird but maybe try showing him a concealer it will look more natural that way
It depends on how much he wears I guess... or how far along he is in the sex change process.
That's weird
uh yeah, that's weird.
no let him do what he wants
no. it is just a product.

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